21 Jun 2023
Setting up business transactions based on API definition If you have been working with AppDynamics for some time, you would probably agree, that the concept of business transactions helps a lot in both getting business relevant data about application performance and stability and in aiding in problem isolation process. Sometimes,...
12 Feb 2023
In my previous blog, we have explored the basic architecture of OpenTelemetry support in AppDynamics cSaaS, how hybrid agents work, how to use auto-instrumentation with mutating webhook with OpenTelemetry, and options for OpenTelemetry Collector deployment. Then we deployed successfully our first application with hybrid agent and seen telemetry data from...
19 Jan 2023
OpenTelemetry is considered a lingua franca of the future for telemetry collection. There are excellent reads on what OpenTelemetry is, so I am not going to do it here, if interested, I suggest reading following: https://opentelemetry.io/docs/concepts/what-is-opentelemetry/ https://opentelemetry.io/docs/collector/ https://www.appdynamics.com/blog/product/what-is-opentelemetry/ Cisco and AppDynamics understands the importance and promises of OpenTelemetry very well,...
02 Jan 2023
Monitoring Kubernetes workloads with AppDynamics and modern CD strategies Many organizations move their applications onto cloud native infrastructure like Kubernetes or its’ “superstructures” like OpenShift or Rancher, both on premises and in the public clouds. AppDynamics as a leading APM (Application Performance Monitoring) tool always offered support for workloads in...